Change Contributions.

To change the contribution amount that is taken directly from your paycheck, login to your account and follow these instructions.

  • Start by hovering your mouse over MANAGE then click “Manage Contributions”

  • Now click “Contribution Rate/Amount”

  • On the next screen, under Deferral Type, select either "“Change Deferral by Percent” or “Change Deferral by Dollar”
    **Please note, your deferral amount will be for each payroll processed

  • Next, under the CURRENT VALUE column, enter the percent/amount you wish to be withheld from each paycheck. If your plan has a Roth option, you may choose to contribute to both the 401k Deferral source and the Roth.
    **What is the difference between Roth and traditional 401k contributions? Read here

  • Once you have changed the values to your desired percent/amount, click the Submit Deferral Change button. Leverage will process your request and notify your payroll.

  • And that’s it, you’re all set! You will receive a confirmation of your changes.